Sabado, Setyembre 15, 2012

Edublogging? Like and Follow!

Edublogging... When I heard that this thing will be part of our CCIII,oooppss.. I considered it boring. Why? Because honestly, I do not have an interest in writing nor do I have an experience in making a blog. Even in creating a blogging account, I'm not interested too considering the fact that writing is not my passion. In fact  when I was in my high school years, I do not involved myself in Journalism, editorial and feature chuchu.. That’s not my thing, really. But all of a sudden, my perception in this field changed. It felt different lately. I realized so many things. I have learned that writing is fun! That, I can express myself in here and its sooo advantageous because through writing, I will not just enjoy and be entertained, but also, I'll be able to learn and educate others at the same time. Combo! :))

This is the first time I have done Edublogging, for some it may seem boring (Just as I thought before) but to be honest it helped me to enhance my mind more and organize ideas in a creative manner. Edublogging is a big help for those who are conducting researches and studies in certain field.

In Endocrinology, our focus is on the amazing thing called Hormone and we learned that the function of it is that it transfers electrical signals and messages to distant target organs and tissues. In Edublogging, our function is like that of hormone where we are able to send information to many people, educate them and make a difference.
Photo Credit:

On the other hand, Toxicology, as how I understand it deals with the functions of the drug and the pathological conditions conforming the misuse and overuse of it. These, again, may be applied to Edublogging. How? We all know that a drug is designed to medicate and cure certain diseases. An edublog must answer other people's queries and not just entertain. Not any other blog, it is formal and must feed minds. A blogger must not be bias and should write what is true, nothing more, nothing less. (Drug Prescription :) )  because I believe that one is enough, two is too much and three is a poison that kills a person (Drug dependence and addiction :) ).

“An Edublog must be as good as our specimen in the lab; not contaminated nor hemolyzed”.

I said these things because I learned it during our CC III, to Ma'am Gaces, the mother of future MT's in AUF. I'll take this opportunity to thank you Ma'am G and all our instructors for the past four years who molded us, guided us and shared their knowledge and experiences for us to learn. I will never forget when we had a discussion in CC and Ma'am G dared us to define Learning. (There is plus points but nobody got the exact definition. Haha) Learning is a permanent change in behavior. A dynamic and continuous process. For us, this is just the beginning of our journey because as we go through, we will learn a lot of things. Things not just found in books, lectures and handouts (old testaments. Boom!). 

We should not be "bookish” but be hungry for knowledge and wisdom that we can apply to our everyday living.

Instead of just merely surfing the net for the purpose of socializing, why not involve ourselves in Edublogging just like what we did in our Clinical Chemistry subject? Because even in our own little way we can sever humanity and when we do this, we also serve God.

I hope this piece of myself stir your hearts and inspire you guys to make a change and be able to say that.. “Hey, I will never be the same anymore!”  Edublogging? Like and Follow!

To GOD be all the Glory. :)


Worth-remembering experiences in CCIII Class. :)

1 komento:

  1. A very creative presentation. I LIKE YOUR BLOG a 100%! Continue to do more! ^_^
